DIVING: Lessons, Classes, and Teams

Step-by-step details to properly register with CDA (about 10 minutes to complete) ~

    1) Each participant must have their own DiveMeets (DM) personal account number

          a) If you've already got a DM number, skip step #2

          b) if you DO NOT have a DM number simply Go to www.DiveMeets.com (DM) and create your own ~ FREE
NOTE:  if you are unfamiliar with DM, Your coach can answer any questions you have

    2) Once you have your DM number
CLICK HERE to register with CDA ~ FREE
NOTE-1: The header of the correct registration should say "2020 High School Diving - CDA"

NOTE-2: CDA did not initially plan on people outside of our club or high school teams registering with us.  So, what the CLICK HERE link (same as above) will take you to is our “High School” Registration tool which does not require a fee to CDA, nor AAU or USAD memberships

          a) If you are not a diver in high school, when you get to the part about grade in school and/or school:
               i) Where the system requires you to select a grade from the drop-down menu please select 9th grade
              ii) Then, there is a box marked “Other” where you can type in your actual school and current grade in school

          b) If you are under 18 when registering, our system will require adult signatures
          NOTE:  There are a number of waivers, contact, profile, and medical information questions you/they must agree                                to and/or answer as part of this registration.

           c) Once you have completed the CDA registration and checked-out:
               i) The system will send us a copy of your completed file
              ii) We will then send you an email with Zoom login details for the LIVE Remote Training Session(s)


  If you are not a current CDA diver, we offer 5 options for your consideration:

  • One (1) Session per Week ~ $150/month

  • Two (2) Sessions per Week ~ $175/month

  • Three (3) Sessions per Week ~ $200/month

  • Four (4) Sessions per Week ~ $225/month

  • Five (5) Days per Week ~ $275/month

      NOTE: there is no long-term commitment.  However, there are no refunds for partial months; BUT your starting month will be pro-rated.

About Videoconferencing, best practices, and the platform we use ~ Zoom
Zoom ~ The videoconferencing service we will be using is www.Zoom.us. We strongly suggest that whatever platform you are going to use (mobile device, tablet, desktop computer, laptop, or smart TV), that IN ADVANCE you first download the Zoom app or get the software ~ so that you are ready to go for our next broadcast. The app and/or software are FREE; you DO NOT need an account.   In addition, while in the conference, our system takes attendance and notes how long you stay focused on the platform.

NOTES and Best Practices ~ With our first broadcast a few people told us there was lag in the video/audio stream.  To make sure your hardware and software are up to the task we suggest the following be done in advance:

Go to
www.speedtest.net (there are other systems that do the same thing) to see how fast your Internet is; you may experience lag because of your Internet speed.  Best practice suggests that you be on hardwired internet or Wi-Fi for the video, and that you call-in on a separate line to hear the audio; rather than using the in-app audio option.

We will supply call-in phone numbers when you receive the login details

If your Internet speed is “slower“ (<125mb/sec), you may be able to contact your Internet service provider and ask them to boost your speed without additional charge (as a benchmark for “at home“ Internet service, my Comcast runs at 400+ mb/sec).  Alternately, you might POLITY beg/ask other people in your house that are on the Internet during our broadcast to stay off, or not load big videos, or not stream movies to help boost your speed and reduce lag.

If you have questions or issues, please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.  CLICK HERE to fill-out our Contact-Us form.

Welcome to our LIVE Remote Training page.

The sessions will be run from 4:30-6pm (PST) Monday - Friday on Zoom.us

These LIVE sessions will be run following this general agenda for each day (4:30-6pm - PST):

  • Conditioning ~ (30-40 minutes typically HIIT on 30-90 second clocks)
  • Stretching ~ (10-30 minutes)
  • Q&A, Video Analysis, Chalk-talk ~ (10-30 minutes)

LIVE REMOTE TRAINING SESSIONS ~ Have been paused as of 08jun20

   Why ~ because we are back in the water and dryland training again ~ YAY!


We look forward to your joining us ~ See you in (and on) the Air!

The California Diving Academy Coaches and Administrative Team

Below, you will find detailed instructions ~ how to register and sign-up for our sessions

Covid-19 page Updated & On-Hold

What you’ll need to partake ~

  • Smartphone, tablet, computer, or smart TV
  • Internet or mobile phone network (live streaming), so faster download speeds would be better
  • A place to sweat, jump, lay down, and move around ~ safely, but with gusto
  • Willingness to not cheat ~ we will not be able to see you, but expect that if you are here, you want to be

NOTE: The definition of “integrity” is what you do when nobody is looking

  • Water (bottle) close-by most breaks are 30 seconds
  • Depending on your biochemistry, a small, quick snack
  • A workout/sweat towel
  • Depending on your condition, a heart monitor​